'tis not the season to be jolly. school starts just next week, and fate is trying to arse me up :P
arse-up #1: was shaving in a hurry in the afternoon. a sudden twitch of impulse and i took a chunk of my beloved left sideburn :(
it's now property of the PUB. sigh. now i do look queer from the left.
arse-up #2: those 7 brackets in my mouth are really pissing me off. they're those tiny rubberbands fitted between your teeth to make space for braces (which i will have soon..). my gums are crying for mercy whenever any two teeth are in contact. for the past 2 days i've been masticating and breaking my food up with a tongue and two front teeth. i was almost in tears trying to digest a BreadTalk Flosss :~(
enough was enough, and i decided that my major source of nutrition in time to come would come in the form of eggs. dinner was cheap and good, 3 eggs + teh-c siew dai is the dental-anguish-antagonist's choice. minus the calories.
arse-up #3: kicked a ball with my big toe once again. wat the @#-=~*hell*~=-#@ was i thinking?!?!
arse-up #4: muscleaches all over from attempting to do push-ups yesterday and cycling with joe like a lunatic for the past 2 hours..
expect more 'arsecapades' when i wake up early tomorrow and have a 8-hour orientation with my fellow FMS (film + media studies) freshies. will probably direct some smutty hokkien toward the banana chinese. there's bound to be a few. too bad i cannae run :P