somebody tell me - does the following pair of jeans look:-
1) funky;
2) cyber;
3) lumberjack;
4) guai-lan; or
5) analistic?
to cut a long story short, i had some tao huay zhui spilt on my entire thigh (thanks, turkey-cheering bastard) and had to urgently find meself a cheap pair of pants before the 2nd half began.
being the owner of pretty short legs (or a very tiny waist; whichever you assume), i had to fold them up in the above fashion, else i'd be doing them a sweeping favour. i asked the salesgirl for an altercation service. they didn't have one. then they recommended that i walk around bugis with that extra length of denim pulled up halfway up my shin. "quite cyber mah!" | "i don't want to look cyber!" | "you just not used to it lar, be more kai fang abit" | "*sigh*"
duly paid for the pants, not before removing the pricetag off my arse, and managed to catch 40 minutes of goal-less soccer. poor senegal - their attack is the most entertaining i've seen in years. wondered why i had bet for 0 goals anyway :-\
will proceed to neighbourhood tailor 1st thing tommorrow.