shiny happy people

team SGL
orkes praise m'sia


the old blurification
the old photogalleria


homex, whom i've always trusted to provide some storage for my innumerable pictures, has decided to poop on me. oh well. maybe they'd be nicer to me having seen this, ahem, advertisement.

anyhoo, i've done this small work during the hours of insomnia last night - inspiration came from the wonderful green gnomes over at Horticulture & Landscape. that's why i've put them last. i love you NP denizens.

without further ado, may i present:

We are NP!

Accountancy (ACC)
"We enjoy accounting for big numbers - such as death tolls and the number of trees felled by students in HLM."

Banking & Financial Services (BFS)
"We spend 3 years studying for this diploma just so that your neighbourhood banks would have slightly fewer counters with the sign
'<---- Next Counter Please ---->'."

Business Studies (BS)
"We would like to read really, really thick books just so that we may continue the family's chicken rice business at double efficiency."

Business Information Technology (BIT)
"We feel that we should be part of Singapore's two most oversaturated sectors. We let our parents select our schools, shoe size and future spouse."

Biomedical Engineering (BME)
"We spend most our time manipulating & cloning dust particles, since it's considered morally wrong to do so on ugly sheep and people we don't like."

Building & Real Estate Management (BEM)
"We love sending people out to flood the nation's mailboxes with our namecards. Commission is a sacred entity. A majority of us have the first names 'Patrick' and 'Ivy'."

Building Services Engineering (BSE)
"We helped build the Esplanade. This course will be discontinued next year having filed for bankruptcy."

Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)
"We often hold excursions to Civil Defence headquarters and somewhat feel that civil servants should be environmentally conscious too..."

Electrical Engineering (EE)
"We get kicks out of flying kites in torrential rain with big metallic objects kept in our pant pockets."

Electronic & Computer Engineering (ECE)
"We all insist on using metal solder to patch everything - from tears in clothing to chipped teeth."

Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering (ETE)
"We love placing bugs in the mouthpieces of public payphones. We all use dialup connections when playing online games because it'd feel more 'classic' and 'warm'."

Engineering Informatics (EI)
"We make comic-insult people run out of ideas."

Internetworking & Communications
"We take great pride in making sure that the Internet works. When people start communicating online, our hearts begin to sink."

Logistics Engineering & Management (LEM)
"We enjoy shipping & delivering boxes of various sizes. Foam peanuts are our delicacy. For attachments, we are randomly selected to board an ill-fated plane and survive on an uninhabited island for 10 years with a volleyball."

Marine & Offshore Technology (MOT)
"We enjoy building ships 30 miles offshore, and practice daily to put on life vests within 15 seconds."

Mechanical Engineering (ME)
"We have no idea what we are doing in this course. We weren't accepted in any of the other 20 or so courses."

Mechatronic Engineering (MTE)
"We watch 5 episodes of Gundam before going for classes every morning. One of our lecturers named his son 'Optimus'."

Quality Assurance Engineering (QAE)
"We purposely situated our classrooms in the FSV block just so that we could fill the elevators up and make those film students climb 16 flights of stairs."

Early Childhood Education (ECH)
"We love reading cardboard books as large as children themselves, and also legally fulfill our pedophilic tendencies."

Film, Sound & Video (FSV)
"We have way too much time on our hands. We therefore frequent King Albert's to procreate with inanimate objects."

Mass Communication (MCM)
"We love everything 'massed' - mass rehearsals, midnight church mass, mass rapid transit, mass orgies with mr kon."

Information Technology (IT)
"We like using the acronym 'I.T.' in really clever ways - such as 'You've Got IT!' or 'Is That IT?!'"

Information Technology (Mobile Computing)
"We are rich enough to afford laptops of our own, and may hence be able to do the above activity while in the canteen."

Multimedia Computing (MMC)
"We like to have our computers running a million programs at once. The taskbar is a tool of the gods."

Biomedical Science (BMS)
"We still giggle like pansies whenever we see the human anatomy's 'naughty bits' being displayed on the OHT."

Biotechnology (BIO)
"We spend most part of the day dissecting every living thing imaginable, and periodically implant electrical equipment in them if they're still breathing. Recent innovations include sharks with laser beams attached to their heads, as seen in Austin Powers 1 & 3."

Chemical Engineering (CE)
"We recite the periodic table before each lesson starts. We cook our meals strictly with Bunsen burners. Jokes pertaining to ammonia & toilets make us laugh uncontrollably."

and last, but not least -

Horticulture & Landscape Management (HLM)
"We enjoy cutting grass & chopping trees!"

MC chinnyboo couldn't conduct audiotech lecture today due to some sickness. get well soon mr tan!


[ end ]


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(c)2002-2007 Robin Ong.