went to Sim Lim Square in the afternoon to shop for a new mouse - hopefully one that don't require me doing what i did best in my past job - cleaning mouse balls...
(if there were a mousey olympics, my rivals won't stand a chance.)
shopping for a mouse is no easy task - almost every shop sells 'em, they're listed in some secluded corner in the pricelist, and all the prices are soooo varying, be it a $10 or $1 difference. after cheesing numerous shopowners off several times, i finally got the micro$oft wireless intellimouse explorer. the price was about right (received b'day angbao from my sis and u.s. aunt yesterday) and guess what - it's both cordless and ballless! how's that for technology! :D
finally, my ambition to control the mouse pointer from a considerable distance and on an un-table-ish surface is fulfilled!
(oh.. the pure joy of freedom..)
ah yes, in other news today, FRANCE ARE OUT OF THE WORLD CUP! many shops in simlim were pulling customers with their TV3 broadcasts.. caught the 2nd goal by denmark in the 60th minutes and almost shit meself.
Cheers - or like the French would say:
"nous sommes dans la merde profonde"