Hardly know any friends? Wishing to know other students from other departments? At this moment, you don?t have a girlfriend/boyfriend? So lonely!!!
HEY PEOPLE!! We are here to help you to find your other half?
We are a group of enthusiasm youngsters, students of NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC who are very positive about life and are keen to help fellow school mates to find more friends in NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC.
Hmm.. wondering how are we going to meet up if you want to make more friends? Don?t worry!!! We will be organizing an outing especially for you on 13th Aug 2005 (Saturday) at Sentosa (Time will be confirmed upon further notice). There will be a lot of games eg ice-breaker etc.. SO MUCH FUN!!!
SO WHAT ARE YOU WANTING FOR? SIGN UP NOW!!! Be a part of member for ?Match-A-Friend?
How to get started? Very easy!! Sign up by adding us into your friendster account match_a_friend@yahoo.com.sg. Or visit us at our website http://www.geocities.com/match_a_friend/Friends.html?1122829034563
P.S: Attach file is the particular form. Please sent to us by 11th August 2005 to this email match_a_friend@yahoo.com.sg
Any enquires? Can contact us at 91463314 (Madeline)
content like this in my school mailbox makes me glad to be born singaporean. really.